Program updates, new beginnings, and more!
January Winter Weather Response
Each winter, dangerously cold weather conditions pose life-threatening risks for people experiencing homelessness. During January’s inclement weather, a network of community agencies worked quickly - coordinating and spinning up services in an effort to support neighbors who often slip through the cracks.
Community Action House’s Outreach Team called, emailed, and sought people out on foot - connecting with more than 100 unhoused individuals before and during the winter storm.
The Police Department jumped in, transporting individuals and even providing car seats to help move families to safety. But for some unhoused neighbors, shelter remained out of reach, and time was running out.
Coordinating with Hope Church, Herrick District Library, and Community Action House, First United Methodist Church spun up an overnight warming center, aligning hours with other agencies to provide round-the-clock indoor spaces where unhoused people could escape the cold.
Read more about our community’s winter weather response by visiting The Lakeshore or The Holland Sentinel.
Lakeshore Food Rescue West Coast Way Feature
Our friends at the Michigan West Coast Chamber of Commerce highlighted Lakeshore Food Rescue in The West Coast Way magazine this month!
Lakeshore Food Rescue Manager, Krista, shared about our countywide expansion in 2023, our utilization of the nationally recognized Food Rescue Hero app, and how partners like Bowerman Blueberries Farm Market are joining the movement to end food waste and fight hunger in our community.
Read the West Coast Way article by visiting
Adjusted Weekend Schedule
Due to the weather, we will be follow an adjusted schedule beginning January 12, 2024.
Community Kitchen
1/12/24: Regular Service Hours
1/13/24: Regular Service Hours
1/15/24: CLOSED for MLK Day
Food Club & Opportunity Hub
1/12/24: Closing at 12:30pm
1/13/24: Open 12PM-2PM
1/15/24: CLOSED for MLK Day
Resale Store
1/12/24: Closing at 12:30pm
1/13/24: UPDATED - the Resale Store will be closed
1/15/24: CLOSED for MLK Day
January eNews
Dear Reader,
As we enter a new year, we’re looking back on 2023 with nothing but gratitude for what our community chose to accomplish, together. Your support as volunteers, food drive partners, financial supporters, cheerleaders, and advocates, made it possible for more neighbors than ever before to find the healthy food, belief, and partnership they needed to move forward. Thank you, for proving that we are a community where caring happens, second chances are creatively found, and our neighbors experience unrelenting kindness and connection.
We’re celebrating countless stories of hope, health, and happiness - lives changed through the power of healthy food access, families building stability through financial empowerment, and so many instances of people in our community showing up for one another. Through your support, in 2023 we were able to:
Welcome and serve 3,500+ families at Food Club
Provide 66,000+ hot, healthy meals at the Community Kitchen
Help 59 formerly unhoused neighbors transition into safe, stable housing
Redirect over 2 million pounds of food to help feed our neighbors
Partner with 150+ guests through one-on-one financial counseling
What an incredible year! We invite you to celebrate with us, and take pride in the work that our community makes possible. With your help, we’ll continue to serve as a critical network of support for those who need it most - walking alongside our neighbors as they move from crisis to stability. As we step into 2024, we’re dreaming of (and planning!) bigger and better ways to ensure that no one in our community has to face challenges alone. We're glad you're here, grateful for your support, and excited to see what we can accomplish together in the year to come.
Scott Rumpsa | CEO
Program Updates
Financial Wellness
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We’re all about meeting people where they are - learning their unique stories, challenges, and hopes. And we’re all about lowering barriers so that everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow. For many of our guests, transportation challenges make it difficult to access support. Through our partnership with Herrick District Library, our Outreach team is able to offer case management services in a location that works for our guests!
Over the last few months, we were excited to add drop-in Rental Counseling to our services at Herrick! Rachel, our Financial Wellness Counselor, is onsite at the library every week, and has helped 27 neighbors with credit counseling, housing information, tenant rights, and more. Rachel and our Outreach team work in tandem to coordinate services, so that more of our neighbors can find the safe, stable housing they deserve.
Community Kitchen
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During the busy holiday season, our Community Kitchen team was determined to provide the food and connection that makes guests feel at home and the holiday season feel bright. Staff and volunteers served Thanksgiving brunch, providing more than 350 meals (an average day is around 190 meals)! The team also packed 130 sack lunches - equipping our Outreach team to share meals with our neighbors experiencing homelessness who weren’t able to join us at the Kitchen.
The holidays can be especially lonely for neighbors who lack a community of support. We’re grateful for the many hands that make the Community Kitchen a warm and welcoming space so that all of our neighbors have a place to go for food and connection.
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Shelley* experienced homelessness for many years. Struggling with addiction, Shelley and her daughter were separated. Over the last year, Shelley connected with recovery resources, mental health services, and worked alongside our team to access critical food, supplies, and secure a housing voucher. Last month, Shelley moved into safe, stable housing, and brought her daughter home - an incredible gift for our team to witness. Shelley and her daughter can now live together full time, and our team will provide support and connection as Shelley continues to build stability.
Food Club
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The Preschool Enrichment Class at First Presbyterian visited us at Food Club last month! Students learned about food access and ways that we can all support neighbors who struggle to afford healthy food. Their class helped stock-the-shelves with donations that they collected, recycled boxes, and learned about Lakeshore Food Rescue!
We love seeing new generations join the movement to build a stronger, healthier community. We’re grateful for the parents, teachers, and community members who are working hard to teach our community’s kids about the importance of food and connection!
Special Feature!
Holland Community Garden!
Have you heard of the Holland Community Garden? Powered by volunteer gardeners, the Community Garden grows local produce year-round, providing fresh, healthy food for the Food Club and Community Kitchen! Even during these cold winter months, the team at the Garden is busy growing sweet potatoes in the hoop house.
In Case You Missed It
WHTC Talk of the Town
Jessica Pressley, Housing Access Program Manager, and Outreach Specialist Sean Holloway share about National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day and how you can provide support.
Second Annual Snowmelt Shuffle!
We kicked off the year with the 2nd Annual Snowmelt Shuffle on New Year's Day, with over 200 community members joining us!
Homeless Persons' Memorial Day
On Dec 21, we gathered alongside our staff, volunteers, guests, and partners to remember neighbors who died while experiencing homelessness last year.
Make a Difference in 2024: Support Our Resale Store!
Are you kicking off 2024 with some cleaning and organizing? Keep the Community Action House Resale Store in mind when donating items, and help power our programs!
Make a Difference in 2024: Support Our Resale Store!
Are you kicking off 2024 with some cleaning and organizing? Keep the Community Action House Resale Store in mind when donating items, and help power our programs! Our Resale Store represents a major component of our financial engine that powers the work of Community Action House. Every purchase, donation, and hour of volunteer service turns into thousands of meals served, workshops provided, and connections made. Recently our friends at the Holland Sentinel shared about the store, and how it is a great place to repurpose items that you want to get rid of. You can read the article here
Looking to shop, donate, or volunteer at the store? Visit our page here and learn more!
Second Annual Snowmelt Shuffle!
We kicked off the year with the 2nd Annual Snowmelt Shuffle on New Year's Day, with over 200 community members joining us! Together, we walked, jogged, ran, and shuffled to make a meaningful difference for our neighbors. Participants helped raise financial support for our programs, and collected essential winter gear items for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. The event was a beautiful testament to community spirit and collective action. Thanks to all who joined us!
You can read more about the event, and how it supported our work here
Homeless Persons' Memorial Day Recap
On December 21, we gathered alongside our staff, volunteers, guests, and partners to remember neighbors who died while experiencing homelessness last year. Our Outreach Team worked with 7 individuals who lost their lives in 2023. Together, outside in the dark and the cold, we paused to reflect on their names and their stories - and to sit in reality that our community is not yet a place where every neighbor has the opportunity to thrive.
As we move forward and shift into action, we will continue to say their names. We'll remember their stories, and reflect on the unique value that all people bring to our community.
As the weather grows colder, our team continues to work with guests to meet critical needs, while building towards long term stability. You can directly support our unhoused neighbors by hosting a drive, or purchasing items from our amazon wishlist today.
Read more about the event and Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day from our friends at the Holland Sentinel, The Lakeshore, and on WHTC’s Talk of the Town.
December eNews
November eNews
Dear Reader,
November is Homelessness Awareness Month. This year, in the midst of a housing crisis and continued inflation, our neighbors experiencing homelessness face even greater barriers to finding safe, stable housing. The journey towards stability is all the more difficult, and feels even more hopeless, when there aren’t homes to find.
Addressing this growing housing affordability crisis will take all of us, working boldly and creatively together. For our part, we’re proud to be expanding our work by creating new affordable housing solutions. In partnership with Dwelling Place, we’re pursuing a multi-site affordable housing development in Holland. I’m excited to share that the project is moving along, with plans to add 61 affordable housing units with groundbreaking anticipated before the end of 2024. We’re excited to see progress - but we know that for people struggling with housing, right now, long term solutions don’t meet immediate needs.
Every day, our Outreach team works to provide critical resources - food, clothing, showers, and more - while partnering with our unhoused neighbors to pursue long term stability. Every day, our team learns the names, stories, hopes, and challenges of people in our community who are unhoused. And every day, our team celebrates stories of hope, and small wins, while walking with our neighbors through incredibly difficult trials. Since July, we’ve celebrated 15 homeless-to-housed success stories; each one the culmination of a remarkable journey that we’re honored to be a part of.
Everyone deserves a safe home. Everyone deserves good food. Everyone deserves the opportunity to build a strong foundation for their family. And everyone needs a community that believes in them - their worth, their dignity, and their potential. This month, we invite you to read guest stories, learn about housing insecurity in our own community, and help meet urgent needs while our team works one-on-one with guests to build towards a brighter future. As the weather turns colder, you can support our unhoused neighbors by:
Volunteering at the Community Kitchen or with our Refresh program;
Hosting a Winter Gear Drive with your church, school, or business; and/or
Dropping off winter gear items with your family
Pursuing people. Partnering for progress. Delivering hope through action. All of our work is made possible through a community that believes in and supports our efforts - thank you for building a community where all of our neighbors can thrive.
Scott Rumpsa | CEO
Program Updates
Financial Wellness
Jane* has worked with Tabitha, our Financial Wellness counselor, since 2022. Jane lives on a fixed income and owns a home, but doesn't have the financial foundation needed to withstand sudden changes or emergencies. When Jane faced an unexpected repair to her home, she soon fell behind on bills.
Tabitha and Jane worked together to apply for the Michigan Homeowners Assistance Fund (MIHAF) to help pay for a large utilities bill. Her application was denied - but our team was determined to keep providing support. Together, they drafted an appeal, and Tabitha recently heard back from Jane - she was approved! Jane told Tabitha "Thank you SO MUCH for fighting for me!!! You are making a difference!!!"
Financial processes can be complicated and confusing. Tabitha shared, “I'm so thankful that Community Action House has taught me tenacity in fighting for our members.” We use our expertise to advocate on behalf of our guests - when they need help navigating complex systems, we’re there to do it with them and we don’t stop assisting until we find a resolution.
Community Kitchen
The Community Kitchen offers a gathering place where connections are made and doors to more resources and support are opened. Guests come for the food but stay for the connection. The Kitchen offers everyone a chance to foster genuine relationships and find a community of support.
Recently during one of our weekly meals, the lights turned down, the room fell silent, and Chef Heidi entered the dining room holding a big, beautiful birthday cake with candles lit - all to celebrate one of our guests. Together, our staff, volunteers, and guests sang "Happy Birthday". For many, a celebration like this feels normal - but for someone who lacks a network of support, it's a special occasion to see a room full of people gathered to celebrate them. We're grateful for the many hands that make moments of joy possible for our neighbors.
Our Outreach team provides “whatever-it-takes” care, actively seeking out and engaging with neighbors experiencing homelessness. Recently, our team met Seth. Seth came to the area to visit his childhood home, but found himself without the resources he needed to return to Florida where he had a network of support. Seth told our team he had leads on jobs there, and a place to live - but just couldn’t afford the ticket he needed to get back.
Over the next few days, Seth and our team worked together to confirm that he had a place to stay, then we were able to equip him with a bus ticket and transportation to the bus station. Within a week of connecting with us, Seth was able to get back home! We’re glad that our team could quickly help him return to a place of community and support - we're all about pursuing people, understanding their unique needs, and finding ways to build greater stability.
Food Club
*Name and photo changed for privacy
Martin* recently came to Food Club interested in becoming a member. After walking through the intake process, Martin shared that he felt unsure of how to navigate Food Club and wasn't quite sure how it works. Anita, one of our Guest Services Associates, quickly offered the help of one of our volunteers.
Long-time volunteer, Deb, took time to walk through Food Club with him, selecting groceries together and explaining more about how membership works. After a successful visit, Deb returned to our front desk and said how glad she was to connect with Martin - sharing that they met often when we were located on 14th street!
Knowing people and building relationships means we can provide better assistance and a community of support. We are glad we can meet guests where they’re at - whether it’s for groceries at Food Club, a hot meal at the Community Kitchen, or financial skills through our Financial Wellness programming - to make sure none of our neighbors have to face challenges alone.
Giving Tuesday is November 28!
Help Deliver Hope through Action this holiday season.
This Giving Tuesday, help deliver hope through action! As more families than ever turn to us for support, we’re calling on community members to make this our most successful Giving Tuesday EVER. Mark your calendars, or donate early here to help us kick off Giving Tuesday!
In Case You Missed It
Tune in on Fox17!
For over 50 years, Action House has expanded service during Thanksgiving to take pressure off of families and provide moments of joy. Join Action House CEO on Fox17's Morning Mix to learn more about how you can support our work.
Homelessness Awareness Month: Stories of Hope
November is Homelessness Awareness month. Read guest stories and learn more about the experiences of our unhoused neighbors.
WHTC's Talk of the Town: Action House Update Oct. 18
Listen in to WHTC's Talk of the Town to learn more about our work, how you can get involved, and all that's happened since the opening of Food Club two year's ago!
Low-income housing projects in Holland combine to secure approval
We're proud to expand our work by creating new affordable housing solutions. In partnership with Dwelling Place, we're pursuing a multi-site affordable housing development.
Join The Movement
Volunteer time and talent powers our programs.
Donate Monthly
Provide a stable foundation for our service each month.
Use your skills to make a difference.
Low-income housing projects in Holland combine to secure approval: The Holland Sentinel
Addressing the growing housing affordability crisis will take all of us, working boldly and creatively together. For our part, we’re proud to be expanding our work by creating new affordable housing solutions. In partnership with Dwelling Place, we’re pursuing a multi-site affordable housing development in Holland.
The project is moving along, with plans to add 61 affordable housing units with groundbreaking anticipated before the end of 2024. Read more about recent updates from the Holland Sentinel.
Homelessness Awareness Month: Stories of Strength
Tune in on Fox17: Share more than a meal this Thanksgiving!
Tune in on the FOX 17 Morning Mix to hear Scott Rumpsa, Action House CEO, share about our work to build a stronger, healthier community!
For over 50 years, we've expanded our efforts during the Thanksgiving season to take pressure off of families - increasing access to the healthy food, hope, and connection they need to find moments of holiday joy. This year, we're expecting 1,900+ families to turn to us for support. We're ready to provide the warm welcome, food, and resource connection they need to more forward - but we need your help to do it! Partner with us to share more than a meal this Thanksgiving:
- Give a financial gift: Every $37 donation provides healthy Thanksgiving groceries for a family in our community! Donate online at
- Host a donation drive or collect items with your family: Help stock-the-shelves at Food Club to ensure our neighbors find the food they need. Learn more at!
Celebrating Two Years at the Food Club & Opportunity Hub!
On October 25, we’ll celebrate two years of service at the Food Club & Opportunity Hub! In 2021, our community stepped up with us to reimagine what healthy food access could look like. Thousands of families served, connections made, and meals provided later, we’re reflecting with gratitude on the stories of hope, health, and happiness that neighbors like you make possible.
All people deserve dignified access to the support they need to lead healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives. In other communities, food is either free at a pantry or full price at the grocery store. In our community, we’ve chosen a different option - sustainable, empowering, and welcoming service so that all of our neighbors can thrive. We couldn’t be more grateful for a community that believes in and powers our efforts by volunteering, donating, and championing our work.
Over the coming year, we’ll continue to grow and refine our service for those in our community who need it most. From expanding our nutrition education programming, to recruiting neighbors who could benefit from membership, to strengthening healthcare partnerships to provide medically-tailored offerings for our guests - we’re looking ahead with hope and excitement for all that we can accomplish together.
Community Collaborations With GROW Café + Bistro
Chef Lindsay Payleitner of GROW Café + Bistro worked as a kitchen specialist at the Community Kitchen last winter. This year, she and her co-owner/husband, Alec, volunteered at the Food Club. Those experiences inspired them to spearhead a new pilot program for our Food Club guests!
Each week this past February and March, their team strategically chose a few hundred pounds of rescued food and, like culinary magic, brought it back a few days later as meals packaged in oven-ready tins. By the end of the pilot run, they’d prepared over 300 meals for more than 1,000 neighbors! It takes outside-the-box thinking of community members like Lindsay and Alec to sustain and expand our impact at Food Club. We’re so grateful for their support! Read more about their creative meals and inspiration here.
“The Difference Between Eating and Not Eating”
The mother of a Food Club member stopped by our front desk last month. Almost in tears, she told our team that without Food Club, her daughter’s family wouldn’t be able to afford food - “Food Club means the difference between eating and not eating.” She loved that healthy options were fewer points, and after her tour, said, “Food Club is beautiful.”
When budgets are pushed past the breaking point, healthy food is often the first thing families have to cut - prioritizing shelter, healthcare, transportation, and other critical needs. While traditional food access models solve emergencies, few solutions exist to meet ongoing needs in a sustainable, empowering way. Food is either free at a pantry or full price at the grocery store. Food Club fills that gaping hole in the middle, provides connection and support, and helps families prevent a challenge from becoming a crisis.
John’s Story
John* had long relied on our former food pantry and is now a Food Club member. On a recent visit, a volunteer noticed that John, who struggled to walk unassisted, was walking and pushing his own cart! John was proud to share that in his five months of Food Club membership, he was getting around more easily, feeling healthier, and had lost 50 lbs. He said he’s “never eaten as many fruits and vegetables” as he is now. John was excited to share about his health, and encouraged that our team noticed his presence and his progress.
Turning Around a Diagnosis
Our team recently visited a local organization to speak about Food Club. One attendee, Alice (name changed for privacy) shared that she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that morning. Hearing about the fresh food available, and the different cooking classes offered, Alice felt hopeful that a Food Club membership could help her manage her new diagnosis.
Alice signed up for a membership then shopped with Jenn, our Healthy Eating Coordinator, to find foods that fit her new diet. During her first visit, she shouted across the room, “Jenn, I’m so excited!” She told Jenn that at Food Club, she could find fresh, healthy items she wouldn’t be able to afford at the grocery store. Since joining three months ago, Alice has attended every cooking class she could, learning different recipes and techniques. Earlier this month, Alice visited her doctor, and her blood work showed that she was no longer diabetic! Alice said this was only possible because of the skills she learned from cooking classes, and the healthy foods she was able to find at Food Club.
“A flexible resource for our family”
One day at Food Club, Sean and his daughter Amy (name and photo changed for privacy) were waiting in line, and struck up conversation with our Food Club Membership Specialist, Paula. Amy and Paula talked all about school starting soon, her class, and her nervousness about making new friends.
A few weeks later, Paula ran into the same father-daughter duo while sharing about our services at a school open house! Amy was so excited to tell Paula that she loved her teacher and was making friends. Sean shared how much he appreciates Food Club – not only is it an affordable, flexible, resource for his immediate family, but he's able to share groceries with his sister who has a difficult time getting out of the house. We are so grateful that Food Club provides the healthy food access that families need, while providing a space that builds community in the process.
October eNews
Program Updates
Financial Wellness
Our Financial Wellness team partners with guests through a wide range of financial challenges. In every instance, guests find a team of experts who are ready to listen, set goals together, and sharpen skills so that our neighbors have the financial tools they deserve.
In May, Jacob and Lydia approached our team as first time home buyers, hoping to learn more about the process. Our team connected them with Sherry at Fifth Third Bank and Linda at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. After working with Sherry and Linda over the last few months, Lydia and Jacob closed on their first home! We are so happy that Lydia and Jacob can begin a new chapter, and grateful for partnerships like these, that make huge wins like homeownership possible for families on our community. Congratulations Jacob and Lydia!
Food Club
At Food Club, we ensure that guests have access to the food their families need alongside nutrition education and training so they can lead happier, healthier lives.
Our Healthy@Home classes provide a hands-on opportunity for members to learn about preparing new-to-them foods, hone their culinary skills, and cook for different health requirements. While guests love learning new techniques, they've also shared that classes give them a sense of community. Recently, one attendee told our team that her favorite part of the class was "making friendships while learning."
Recently Joy, our Recovery Coach, was at the Holland Farmers Market when a man noticed her Community Action House badge and her AA 20 year coin. He asked her if she was in recovery, and after sharing about her journey, he asked if she could help a young man, Dave* who works for him.
Joy was happy to help, and shared her card with him. Later that same day, Dave called and asked for help getting into detox and a residential program. After making some calls, Joy was able to find a program with availability that day! When Joy last spoke with Dave, he was one week sober, and planned to stay in supportive housing. We’re so glad that Joy’s work as a recovery coach, a role created in partnership with Community Mental Health, is able to break down barriers for our guests as they work towards stability.
*Name Changed For Privacy
Community Kitchen
*Photo Changed For Privacy
When someone first loses their home, it can be hard to know where to start. Recently, a newly unhoused neighbor and her husband came to our Community Kitchen. She shared that we were her “first call,” because she knew she would be able to find support.
The Community Kitchen provides hot, healthy meals, while building community and opening the door for connection to other resources. Our Outreach Team works at the Kitchen almost every day, and offers case management, help with government applications, and a partner and friend to walk with our neighbors through the difficult process of finding housing. No matter the initial reason for meeting our guests–groceries, housing, or a hot meal at the Community Kitchen–we are primed to facilitate further momentum toward stability and financial prosperity.
In Case You Missed It
Compassion In Action - Action House Volunteers
Watch our 2023 Volunteer Appreciation Video, and learn more about how volunteers are "Compassion in Action" in our community!
WoodTV: Affordable housing near the lake? Developers eye it in Holland
A proposed housing development would bring 61 affordable housing units to Holland.
Tune is as Scott Rumpsa, CEO, shares about our efforts on Fox17 in honor of Hunger Action Month in September.
MiSustainable: Lakeshore Food Rescue
Read an article from Lakeshore Food Rescue Manager, Krista, in honor of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste!
Join The Movement
Volunteer time and talent powers our programs.
Donate Monthly
Provide a stable foundation for our service each month.
Use your skills to make a difference.
MiSustainable: Lakeshore Food Rescue
Lakeshore Food Rescue Manager, Krista Burgett, recently wrote an article for the Holland Sentinel in honor of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste! She shared about staggering food waste numbers in America, and our own local food rescue work in partnership with Ottawa Food.
Read the full article here, or learn more about how you can end food waste, fight hunger, and mobilize community at
Stories of hope that you make possible.
Alice’s Story
After her doctor told her that she was at risk for developing diabetes, Alice* felt hopeful that a Food Club membership could help her manage her new diagnosis. Three months after joining, and attending every cooking class she could, Alice’s blood work showed that she was no longer prediabetic! Alice shared that this was only possible because of the healthy food she could find at Food Club, that she couldn’t afford at the grocery store, and the skills she learned in Healthy@Home cooking classes.
John’s Story
John* had long relied on our former food pantry and is now a Food Club member. On a recent visit, a volunteer noticed that John, who struggled to walk unassisted, was walking and pushing his own cart! John was proud to share that in his five months of Food Club membership, he was getting around more easily, feeling healthier, and had lost 50 lbs. He said he’s “never eaten as many fruits and vegetables” as he is now. John was excited to share about his health, and encouraged that our team noticed his presence and his progress.
Hank’s Story
Hank* (name changed for privacy) was connected with our team through another local agency. In transitional housing, Hank was hopeful that our team could help him improve his credit score - one of the first steps towards home ownership. Over the past five months, Hank worked with Financial Wellness counselor, Tabitha, to pay off his bills and save over $3,000! After all of Hank’s hard work and dedication, he was able to raise his credit score from 483 to 659, giving him the financial foundation he needed to purchase a home!
Last year, our Financial Wellness team saw a 63% increase in their number of one-on-one counseling guests like Hank. We’re proud to provide the individualized, highly relational financial empowerment that our neighbors deserve, and we’re lucky to celebrate alongside them as they work towards a brighter future.
*Names and photos changed for privacy.
These are transformative stories, and they’re only possible because of you. Everyone needs a community that believes in them - their worth, their dignity, and their potential. Your ongoing belief and partnership ensures that all of our neighbors - people like Alice, John, and Hank - have what they need to build brighter futures. Please consider a generous donation to help us share more than a meal this Thanksgiving season!
September Enews
Dear friends,
September is Hunger Action Month! At Community Action House, we believe that fighting hunger takes more than a meal - families struggling with food insecurity face a complex web of challenges, and complex problems require holistic solutions. That’s why we combine healthy food access, resource navigation, financial empowerment, and street outreach - all in the context of relationships - to nourish, equip, and empower our neighbors.
In Ottawa County, 22,000+ neighbors struggle with food insecurity. At Community Action House, we’re working to build a community where all of our neighbors have what they need to thrive, and no one faces challenges alone. No matter the initial reason for meeting our guests–groceries, housing, or a hot meal at the Community Kitchen–we are primed to facilitate momentum toward stability and financial prosperity.
Our work is possible because hundreds of our neighbors choose to say “yes” to building a stronger, healthier community. As our service grows, we need neighbors like you to act with Action House and help fight hunger in our community!
Join us in action this month by:
So many of you are already so pivotal in this work - thank you, for volunteering, donating, supporting, and showing up for our neighbors in so many ways.
Scott Rumpsa
Chief Executive Officer
Program Updates
Financial Wellness
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In 2021, Ron (name and photo changed for privacy) joined our Homebuyer Education class. After attending, Ron realized that he wanted to improve his credit and savings. For over a year Ron worked with our team on Pre-Purchase counseling, increased his credit score from the mid 500s to the mid 600s, and paid off debt. After two years of hard work, Ron was able to set aside money for the down payment on a home! Our team celebrates Ron’s success, and will continue to provide support as he begins a new chapter.
Food Club
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One day at Food Club, Sean and his daughter Amy (name and photo changed for privacy) were waiting in line, and struck up conversation with our Food Club Membership Specialist, Paula. Amy and Paula talked all about school starting soon, her class, and her nervousness about making new friends.
A few weeks later, Paula ran into the same father-daughter duo while sharing about our services at a school open house! Amy was so excited to tell Paula that she loved her teacher and was making friends. Sean shared how much he appreciates Food Club – not only is it an affordable, flexible, resource for his immediate family, but he's able to share groceries with his sister who has a difficult time getting out of the house. We are so grateful that Food Club provides the healthy food access that families need, while providing a space that builds community in the process.
• • • • •
Meet Chris! Chris began working with our team in 2018 after moving here from California. He regularly uses our Community Kitchen and Refresh Programs, but what really keeps him coming back is the human connection and opportunity to share about his achievements with peers.
As of last week, Chris is 8 weeks sober! After 47 years of drinking, he woke up one day and decided he was ready for a change. Since then, he has started attending our recovery meetings, and has appreciated the support and acknowledgement of his hard work. We’re proud to see Chris take his recovery day-by-day, and glad that our team can provide a community of belief and support.
Community Kitchen
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Last month, Community Kitchen guest Eric (name and photo changed for privacy) had a very frightening health scare. With a difficult outlook, Eric chose to change his lifestyle to improve his current health and take control of his future. The meals served at the Community Kitchen have helped him work towards his goals, providing food options that are “delicious but also healthy.” The Kitchen recently received wild caught salmon from a community partner, and Eric was thrilled, sharing “you can’t find fresh salmon like that anywhere, even some restaurants don’t have that!”
We’re proud that the Community Kitchen can share more than a meal, helping guests find the healthy food and community that they need to move forward!
In Case You Missed It!
CAH News and Updates
The Holland Sentinel: Dwelling Place Housing Development
Read updates about our affordable housing initiative with Dwelling Place - a multi site development to bring 60+ units of affordable housing to Holland.
Second Wave Media: Food Club Highlight
The Lakeshore WM shares about food club models (like ours!) and a new approach to food access.
The Lakeshore WM: Lakeshore Food Rescue
Lakeshore Food Rescue recently launched the Food Rescue Hero app, allowing neighbors like you to help recue thousands of pounds of food.
Habitat For Humanity Announcement
Our partners at Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity and GDK Construction Company recently celebrated the ribbon cutting of their new townhomes, designed for adults with disabilities!
Join the Movement
Volunteer time and talent powers our programs.
Donate Monthly
Provide a stable foundation for our service each month.
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Fox 17: Hunger Action Month
Tune in on Fox 17 as Action House CEO, Scott Rumpsa, talks about our work to nourish, equip, and empower our neighbors.
Fighting hunger takes more than a meal. Families struggling with food insecurity face a complex web of challenges - and complex problems require holistic solutions. That’s why we combine healthy food access, resource navigation, financial empowerment, and street outreach - all in the context of relationships - to nourish, equip, and empower our neighbors.
ACT with Action House this month:
Learn more about how you can fight hunger with more than a meal at
Habitat For Humanity Annoucement
Our partners at Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity and GDK Construction Company recently celebrated the ribbon cutting of their new townhomes, designed for adults with disabilities!
Creative community collaboration, that creates stability and opportunity for our neighbors, is something worth celebrating - and we're especially excited that one of our own guests was able to achieve her long time dream of owning a because of this partnership!
Read more about their exciting project, and the impact that it's making for out neighbors here: