Dwelling Place Housing Development Updates!

Our friends at the Holland Sentinel recently shared an update on our affordable housing partnership with Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids!

This exciting project would bring much-needed affordable housing units to our community, with 75 new units across three different sites. There are still many steps in the process, but we're excited to work collaboratively with the City Of Holland and Dwelling Place to lean into solving our community's housing challenge.

To read more about this proposed development, visit: https://www.hollandsentinel.com/story/news/local/2023/08/15/proposed-plan-would-bring-75-housing-units-to-holland-area/70587461007

The Lakeshore WM: Lakeshore Food Rescue

Our friends at The Lakeshore WM recently shared about our Lakeshore Food Rescue initiative, in partnership with Ottawa Food!

Lakeshore Food Rescue recently launched use of the Food Rescue Hero app, which allows neighbors like you to volunteer during shifts that work best for your schedule. “The Food Rescue Hero app will be a huge step forward for Lakeshore Food Rescue. By inviting individuals to volunteer with us, we can dramatically expand our service and offer fresh, healthy food to more partners across the county.” - Krista Burgett, Lakeshore Food Rescue Manager.

In just over a month, volunteers using the app have rescued over 6,800 pounds of food, which translates to over 5,700 meals! Read the full article here!

Second Wave Media: Food Club Highlight

Our friends at Second Wave Media shared a great article about the food club model! Highlighting our partners Lakeshore Food Club and Community Food Club as well, the article shares about this new approach to food access and some of the incredible wins we're already seeing for our guests.

"We've always had a more-than-food approach during our 50-year history as an organization. Our food club members come by on one side of our location and shop for that food they need but just can't afford every week. And then on the other side, we have this one-stop-shop resource hub where they are able to have a seamless connection to working with our resource navigation team, our financial wellness team, our housing counselors, and also with 18 other on-site program partners." - Scott Rumpsa, CEO

Read more about the model, guest success stories, and how Food Clubs are increasing health and dignity for our neighbors: https://loom.ly/cyqKitc

August 2023 eNewsletter

Program Updates

Financial Wellness

Tom (name and photo changed for privacy), reached out to us when he had no other options. Living on an annual social security income of less than $10,000, he feared he would lose his home after receiving a property tax bill that was more than a third of his total income. With one week before the Board Review Meeting, Tom and the Financial Wellness team had to work quickly.  

Tom and our Financial Wellness team worked side-by-side to complete an application for deferment of summer taxes, as well as an application for poverty exemption. After handing in the paperwork, and attending Tom’s review meeting together, they were informed that Tom was approved for a one-year exemption and could stay in his home! We’re proud to have a team that’s there during make or break moments like these, providing support and partnership to prevent a challenge from becoming a crisis.

Food Club

Food Club provides a membership-based, grocery store style experience where guests can choose the fresh, healthy foods that they love. With a sliding scale membership that gives guests points based on their household size, members find access to the food they need, without breaking their budget

Last month, Amy (name changed for privacy) discovered that she had extra points left at the end of her visit. Amy turned to the woman behind her, and offered to share her points! Grateful, this member offered to share some of her points with the next person in line, too. We're so glad that Food Club is a space where neighbors find support not just from our team, but from each other!


Sam (name and photo changed for privacy) felt worried, disconnected, and directionless. Unhoused for the first time, Sam found himself without a strong network of support, and didn’t know how or where to start building towards stability. Looking for answers, Sam came to our Refresh program at First United Methodist Church. 

Uncertain at first, Sam slowly began to form connections and build bridges - between himself and others, between challenges and solutions, and from disconnection to community. As our team continues to provide support and work towards the goal of safe, stable housing, they’re encouraged to see Sam develop relationships with friends who have faced similar challenges, and finally have people in his corner.

We believe you can’t properly care for people if you don’t take the time to get to know them. Greeting people by name, learning their stories, and understanding the barriers they face helps build trust and allow us to hone in on specific areas where our team can be of help. We’re glad to have spaces like Refresh, where guests can access not just critical resources, but also the human connection that all of our neighbors deserve.

Community Kitchen

Each week, our Outreach Team eats lunch alongside guests at the Community Kitchen - learning about their lives, their challenges, and identifying areas that our team can offer support and connection. There is a tangible sense of community - neighbors sharing about their struggles with housing, employment, addiction, with a vulnerability that comes through trust built over time. And there’s also deep comfort and joy - birthdays celebrated together, small wins shared, and guests shouting “say hi to your wife for me!” like old friends do.

Many of the neighbors that visit the Community Kitchen for breakfast and lunch struggle with unsafe or unstable housing, food insecurity, and financial instability. Shared meals are one of the oldest and truest forms of care and connection; after they eat together, our team helps identify challenges and offers services to those who need and want them. We’re glad that the Kitchen can serve more than a meal, and provide a place where guests can come for food, stay for connection, and move forward with hope for a brighter future.

In Case You Missed It

CAH News & Updates


Looking to help address food insecurity in Ottawa County? There's an app for that

The Holland Sentinel: Lakeshore Food Rescue is utilizing an app to help recruit volunteers and expand its efforts combating food insecurity in Ottawa County.


Community Action House Update July 13

Olivia Campbell and Jessica Pressley of Community Action House talked about outreach to the homeless and other related topics during the monthly update on July 13, 2023.

Lakeshore Food Rescue joins national app to help end food waste

As part of their recent Lakeshore Food Rescue program expansion, Action House is launching the local use of a nationally recognized food rescue app!

Action House awarded funds for "Fresh Express" Mobile Market

Community Action House was awarded funds to expand healthy food access through a "Fresh Express" Mobile Market.

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Action House awarded UnitedHealthcare Grant for "Fresh Express" Mobile Market

Community Action House was recently awarded funds through UnitedHealthcare’s Empowering Health Program. One of six recipients in Michigan, Action House will use the grant to expand healthy food and nutrition access through a “Fresh Express” Mobile Market, designed to reach rural areas where transportation is a barrier to food access.

In addition to fresh produce, meal kits, and nutrition education, the Fresh Express will also act as an extension of Community Action House’s other resource navigation and connection services. Over the next year, Action House will further develop plans for the initiative, while a new truck for the mobile market is built.

The grant is part of UnitedHealthcare’s work to support local organizations across the country, to address social factors that impact the health and wellness of residents. Read more about the Empowering Health Program and grant recipients here.

WHTC: Street Outreach

Tune in as our Program Director, Olivia Campbell and our Outreach Team Lead, Jessica Pressley speak on our street outreach efforts, and how they work with neighbors experiencing homelessness. Rather than criminalizing, the Outreach Team works to empower these individuals, and connect them with programs or resources in order to set them up for success. Whether that be getting out of homelessness, or catching them before they reach that point. 

Listen to the full segment here, and learn more about our Street Outreach Team!

Holland Sentinel: Lakeshore Food Rescue

Lakeshore Food Rescue is a community-powered initiative of Community Action House, in partnership with Ottawa Food, the county’s food policy council. LFR works with partners across sectors to collect and redistribute excess food that would have otherwise gone to the landfill.

Designed to harness volunteer power and scale food recovery efforts, Community Action House is utilizing the Food Rescue Hero app, which has redirected 150 million pounds of food across the country since its launch in 2016! Lakeshore Food Rescue is seeking new food donors and nonprofit partners to utilize the app. Restaurants, grocery stores, farmers markets, government agencies, and other businesses can donate food quickly and easily online, submitting information that prompts volunteers to select a pickup through the Food Rescue Hero app. Nonprofit organizations can sign up to receive food, and the program is looking for agencies who can receive and distribute prepared food to guests.

You can read more from the Holland Sentinel article HERE!

Want to get started right away? Download the app right now!

WZZM: Lakeshore Food Rescue Launch!

As part of our recent Lakeshore Food Rescue program expansion, Community Action House is launching the local use of a nationally recognized food rescue app! The app will connect food donors to nonprofits, with a focus on keeping food local and close to its source.

Starting July 13, volunteers who download the app can sign up for flexible shifts, driving their own vehicles to recover food from donors and transport it to local food access partners. By recruiting individual volunteers, Lakeshore Food Rescue plans to expand across the county to rescue more food and increase healthy food access for the 10,000 individuals in the area who are food insecure.

“The Food Rescue Hero app will be a huge step forward for Lakeshore Food Rescue. By inviting individuals to volunteer with us, we can dramatically expand our service and offer fresh, healthy food to more partners across the county! Students can fill time in between classes, seniors can find meaningful structure for their retirement, and parents can show their kids the impact that individuals can make in our community.” - Krista Burgett, Lakeshore Food Rescue Manager

May 2023 eNewsletter

Program Updates


In partnership with Community Mental Health, we added a Recovery Coach, Joy, to our Outreach Team in 2022 - a targeted approach to help remove barriers for guests as they work towards stability. Already, we’re seeing the impact of deep relationship building, and are able to provide specialized support and greater connection to mental health resources.

Joy recently met with another local recovery coach, Angela (name changed for privacy) who was formerly unhoused and living in the area. Angela shared that Community Action House gave her respect, dignity, and was a welcoming source of help for her and her children, during a time that she felt undeserving of support. Because of Action House, Angela said that she began to believe in herself and her ability to “do hard things and accomplish goals.” After sharing her story with Joy, Angela gave her a big hug, and shared that she “could not have made it, if it wasn’t for Community Action House.”

Everyone deserves a safe home, good food, and a community that believes in them. Stories like Angela’s are why we’re here - and it's only possible because of neighbors like you!

Financial Wellness

Last month, our team wrapped up our 12 week long VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program. VITA Volunteers help qualifying neighbors complete their tax returns at no cost!

Our crew of 19 volunteers prepared 340 tax returns, resulting in $322,000 in federal refunds and $231,000 in state refunds - a grand total of $553,000 brought back into our community! When learning about the impact VITA made for guests, one volunteer shared:

"That is so unreal to think we helped clients get that much money back for themselves and their family along with most of that money probably going back into our local community... Over a half million dollars at 350 returns comes to an average of almost $1,600 per return. That makes every minute we volunteer for the VITA program just that much more exciting to know the financial help we have given so many. I enjoy knowing the positive financial impact on the clients we serve. You made my day."

Food Club

Chef Lindsay Payleitner of GROW Café + Bistro worked as a kitchen specialist at the Community Kitchen last winter. This year, she and her co-owner/husband, Alec, volunteered at the Food Club. Those experiences inspired them to spearhead a new pilot program for our Food Club guests!

Each week this February and March, their team strategically chose a few hundred pounds of rescued food and, like culinary magic, brought it back a few days later as meals packaged in oven-ready tins. By the end of the pilot run, they’d prepared over 300 meals for more than 1,000 neighbors! It takes outside-the-box thinking of community members like Lindsay and Alec to sustain and expand our impact at Food Club. We’re so grateful for their support! Read more about their creative meals and inspiration here.

Community Kitchen

Each week, volunteer teams from Preferred Employment & Living Supports and Brothers & Sisters Homes through Holland Deacons Conference join us at the Community Kitchen! Many of these volunteers attend a bowling league every Thursday, and last month, our Kitchen team showed up to cheer them on!

We love that the Community Kitchen provides more than a meal, and is a space where guests, volunteers, and staff in all walks of life can build community. Interested in joining our volunteer team? Visit communityactionhouse.org/volunteer to sign up today!

In Case You Missed It

CAH News & Updates

WHTC: Earth Day with Lakeshore Food Rescue - Community Action House

Tune in as our Food Access Program Manager, Chara, and Food Rescue Specialist, Aubree, discuss Lakeshore Food Rescue, celebrate Earth Day, and discuss ways to get involved on WHTC's Talk of the Town.

Holland approves plan to sell land for affordable housing project

Holland City Council approved a plan to sell surplus property to two local nonprofit organizations. The proposal allows Dwelling Place and Community Action House to purchase the city-owned property at 345 Kollen Park Drive. The nonprofits plan to create an affordable housing development.

Ottawa County determines ARPA money recipients

Community Action House, in partnership with Ottawa Food, the county's food policy council, is expanding their Lakeshore Food Rescue Initiative with funding through Ottawa County and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

Read our 2022 Annual Report!

We're proud to share our 2022 Annual Report! Read stories of life-altering financial progress, health improvements, and moments of joy, all made possible by our community.

Save the Date!

March with us in the Tulip Time Parade!

Represent Community Action House at the Tulip Time Parade on Saturday, May 13, 12pm-4pm!

We are looking for volunteers to walk with us, hold our banner, and wave to spectators on the parade route as representatives of Community Action House. Learn more and sign up here!

Interested in learning more about our Affordable Housing Project with Dwelling Place?

Attend a community engagement session at the Kollen Park Bandshell on Tuesday, May 16, 12pm-3pm.

Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids, a nonprofit community development corporation, has been working with Action House on a potential new affordable housing development. Join us on May 16 for a Project Design Open House! Learn more.

Join us for Holland's Hunger Awareness Weekend!

Saturday, May 20 - Sunday, May 21.

This month, two national events take place in Holland to support local food access. Action House is grateful to receive both direct food donations and financial support from these events, and we invite you to participate!

  • The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, Saturday, May 20, is led by the National Association of Letter Carriers. Place nonperishable items in your mailbox before 9am on May 20, and postal workers, along with volunteers, will collect the items to distribute to local food access organizations!

  • The Annual CROP Hunger Walk, Sunday, May 21, is a nationwide movement sponsored by Church World Services (CWS) to raise funds to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world. Join us at Centennial Park from 1-3pm as a walker, to drop off food donations, or to learn more about local nonprofits working to improve food access! Learn more here.

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Culinary Magic: Turning Rescued Food into Meal-Kits for our neighbors!

In the winter of 2021-2022, Chef Lindsay Payleitner worked as a kitchen specialist at our Community Kitchen. This winter, she and her co-owner/husband, Alec, volunteered at the Food Club. Those experiences inspired them to spearhead a new pilot program for our Food Club guests!