Community Kitchen

An Update on the Community Kitchen

Dear friends,

For more than 32 years the Community Kitchen has been a community pillar. Co-founded by Action House and Western Theological Seminary, and powered by hundreds of committed volunteers, the Community Kitchen provides free hot meals seven days per week, offering a welcoming space where relationships are built, connections are made, and doors to more resources are opened. With great sadness, I’m writing today to share that our partners at the Seminary have decided that they won’t be able to continue to host this program, ending their longstanding partnership in hosting this service. They've asked us to begin seeking another potential home, for a 'second chapter' of the Community Kitchen. 

We’re committed to finding a new home and continuing our service. But, this is challenging news - especially in a time of an increasingly severe housing crisis, when the Community Kitchen is a critical resource and community support for so many of our neighbors. While we mourn the upcoming end of this partnership, we also honor and appreciate the over three decades of shared service the Seminary has undertaken with us and our community. We know our partners at the Seminary did not take this difficult decision lightly. And we appreciate their flexibility on exact timelines as we work to find a new home.

As we explore possible future partner locations, our service at the Community Kitchen will continue as is, at the Seminary, for the time being - providing food, connection, and stability-building support that neighbors need for a brighter future. While we don’t yet have a formal end date with the Seminary, we are actively in conversations with potential hosts, so we can find another partner for the Community Kitchen’s next chapter. In this process, we're committed to finding a partnership that works for our team and our guests - for whom the Community Kitchen is a vital resource and a deeply connected community. And we’re confident that we’ll soon have good news to announce, on a new home and a ‘second chapter’ for the important work of the Community Kitchen.

This is indeed a challenge, and a big change. But we choose to lean into optimism, and trust in the compassion and capacity of our community to continue this deep and meaningful work, together. In midst of this challenge I’m inspired by how our team is harnessing this change as an opportunity to look ahead with hope. As we explore what’s next, we recognize there may be an opportunity in this to explore the co-location of other services, to offer even more robust opportunities for our guests. We’re dreaming big, alongside many others - thinking critically and working collaboratively with partners across our community, as we always do. We’re hard at work on these explorations already.

The Community Kitchen has an incredible community of support that believes in this work and is committed to serving our neighbors. As we plan and discern next steps, we’ll keep you updated - and we look forward to celebrating together when we find a new partner for the Community Kitchen. In whichever way you may have supported our work over the years - as a volunteer, donor, or advocate - thank you for being a part of our legacy of compassionate, welcoming, and impactful services, and for standing with us as we explore what’s next. You are an essential part of the coming chapter of our work and impact. 



Scott Rumpsa | Chief Executive Officer

P.S. If you’re looking for ways to show up for our team and our neighbors through this transition, we welcome your continued support through food donations, financial support, and volunteerism! Your generosity helps sustain our service as we explore what’s next.

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