Program Updates
Financial Wellness
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It’s VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) season! Each year, a team of highly trained and dedicated volunteers works alongside our Financial Wellness team to offer free tax preparation assistance for qualifying neighbors.
Our volunteers recently helped a young man who was struggling to make ends meet. He has sole custody of his son, and was not going to file because he thought he didn’t make enough money, and that finding assistance would be too expensive. Our team helped him claim significant credits that he did not know were available, and his refund was over $3,000!
In our third year as a VITA site, we’ve already served 49 households, and helped bring $480,957 in tax refunds back to our neighbors! Before the season ends, our team is preparing to assist 350-360 more families with their tax returns.
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Happy Birthday Refresh! On February 21st we celebrated the fifth anniversary of Refresh Hygiene and Hope! In partnership with First United Methodist Church, Refresh provides a warm and welcoming space where neighbors experiencing homelessness can take a shower and receive haircuts, meals, mail service, clothing, and resource navigation services.
In its five years, Refresh has grown and adjusted its services to provide more and more direct support for our unhoused neighbors - finding ways to fill in the gaps so that those experiencing homelessness have access to the critical resources and support they need to build stability. To our Refresh volunteers, community partners, and guests, thank you for building a space where all of our neighbors belong!
Community Kitchen
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In February, we celebrated “Heartfest” at the Community Kitchen! As a way to build community and celebrate Valentine’s day alongside our guests, we asked people “What are you grateful for?” and “How have you shown love recently?”
One guest shared that they’re grateful for “water, air, home, family, kids, and the [Community] Kitchen” - a reminder for our team that it’s easy to take the essentials for granted, but that for many of our guests, dignified access to basic needs hasn’t always been a given. We’re grateful for the Kitchen, where struggle doesn’t equal stigma, and where neighbors can find welcoming access to the critical resources that they need to move forward.
Food Club
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Last month, our friends at Jehovah Jireh in Hudsonville received beautiful, locally grown spinach from a farmer, but had more than they could use themselves. They contacted our Lakeshore Food Rescue team, and we were quickly able to pick up pallets, transport them to our own warehouse, and take some to our partners at Hungry for Christ!
Here at Food Club, members were able to choose the fresh spinach for 0 points! Our team member Laura was stocking produce when a guest shared that she had never tried spinach before, but because it was available at Food Club, was going to try it for the first time that night. They chatted about different ways to cook it, and the guest decided to add it to the pasta she planned to make for dinner that evening. We love when community generosity combines with our model of service to create new opportunities for our guests - from trying new-to-them foods to expanding their healthy eating!
Meijer Simply Give is Back!
Through our partners at the Holland Northside Meijer, your donation to the Meijer Simply Give campaign can help provide direct food access for our neighbors. Donate online by visiting,
International Women's Day Collecting personal care items on March 8th!
At Food Club guests find not just fresh, healthy food, but also access to essential personal care items. Community donations help keep items like toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene products, and toothpaste available for members.
This Friday is International Women’s Day - if you’re looking for a way to provide direct support for women in our community, consider hosting a drive or collecting items to help us keep our shelves stocked with personal care items! When members visit us and find dignified access to essential items alongside resource connection, financial education, and a community of support, it helps them build a brighter future. Learn more at!
In Case You Missed It
Last fall, we had the pleasure of meeting our friends from the Alliance to End Hunger! We loved giving their team a tour of Food Club and sharing about our unique mode of service. Read their reflections on their visit and learn more about the Alliance to End Hunger by visiting the link below!
Our friends at the Michigan West Coast Chamber of Commerce highlighted our program Lakeshore Food Rescue in their February edition of The West Coast Way magazine!
Alongside our partners at First United Methodist Church of Holland, we celebrated five years of dignified, welcoming service for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. You can read more about the partnership and anniversary below!
Community Action House Update Feb. 14
Assistant Director of Food Access, Chara Bouma-Prediger, appeared on WHTC to share about Food Club and our food access efforts. Listen to the full segment below!
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