Thanksgiving Baskets Registration Information
Community Action House will be distributing Thanksgiving Baskets for local families and individuals.
Registration Dates:
Monday, October 1, through Friday, November 9, 2018
Qualifying zip codes: 49423, 49424, 49460
You may register at Community Action House, 345 West 14th Street. (CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS)
Required Documents to Register:
Photo ID for Head of Household
Proof of Address (only if Photo ID is expired/not current) (Utility Bill, Lease, DHHS paperwork)
Proof of Family Size (only if family is greater than 6 persons) (Examples: Medicaid cards, social security cards, birth certificates)
You may pick up your basket from our office at 345 West 14th Street office on one of the following days in NOVEMBER:
Monday, November 19th
Pre-registered ONLY
9:00am – 12:00pm, 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Tuesday, November 20th
Pre-registered and Walk-ins
9:00am – 12:00pm, 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Questions? Please call 616-392-2368
Please note – It is your responsibility to remember distribution dates.
No notifications will be sent.
Registration information is shared with all other agencies providing Thanksgiving assistance.