Finding your way to a better financial future can feel like you' re about to jump into the unknown. Getting started is the biggest step, and this free, two session mini-workshop can help break it down. Connect with certified experts, proven plans and information, as well as guidance through the questions, plans, and decisions to help you find your financial footing.
Session One:
Wednesday, October 9th, 4pm-6pm
Mastering Money Management
Developing a Spending Plan
Banking Basics
Session Two:
Wednesday, November 13th, 4pm-6pm
Debt Reduction
Improving Credit
Consumer Protection
Hosted at Trinity Reformed Church
712 Apple Avenue, Holland, MI 49423
Dinner provided with each session
Public welcome
Register online at
Or by phone at 616 392 2368
Workshops are open to all Allegan and Ottawa County residents at no cost.
Community Action House Education Services staff are certified by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).